Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sheepskin Crutch Covers

Ally has left us, Mr.

Yes, what they read. Today I was going to bring a new review, but upon hearing the news I think this deserves an entry disappearance.

This writer who died today at age 76 is the author of the novel Howl's Moving Castle, brought to the big screen by the great Hayao Miyazaki and was nominated Oscar for best animated film .

We also brought its two sequels: The castle in the air and The House of a Thousand corridors, I had the pleasure of reading a few months ago. Do not forget also Fantasylandia The Complete Guide and Crystal Spooky, recently published by Night.

The sad thing is that has left an unfinished novel and another, I'm sure, fantastic story without even starting.

shrinks I have the heart to know that we can not read any more of your imagination: (. Rest in peace, Diana!


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