La Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas (UNAMBA) of Apurimac and is a legally recognized university
On Monday December 21 at the home of culture, was held the ceremony for the final resolution of the operating Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas and ceremony to swear in the new university authorities. The regional government of Apurimac presented awards to members of the commission's governing UNAMBA, vibrant university authorities.
were met fully all requirements of the CONAFU and national laws, so that special ceremony, swearing was provided to new principals and deans of the various careers of the house of higher learning.
general manager of the regional government of Apurimac, Barreto Armando Carbajal, president presented the award, the new president-elect Dr. Leonard Ram, along with the regional flag. Alfonso also Bustinza Shock Mag Administrative Vice President of Government Commission and Dalin Mag Encomenderos Dávalos, Academic Vice President of Government Commission, received special recognition. Singular
delivery, received the Dr. Carrol Dale Salinas, Chairman of the Organising Committee of the National University of Apurimac Micaela Bastidas, who
reception, the bust of José María Arguedas, the highest distinction of the regional government of Apurimac, in recognition their contribution to the development of university education in the region.
For the Regional Government of Apurimac is a pleasure to be present and working steadily and sustained growth and improved quality of servic Ios that UNAMBA deserves, as part of the effort of all centers apurimeños for having top-level studies, which are competitive and the quality of education reach the standards of the best universities in Peru.
Samples of this, the implementation of the Central Library so that students find in it the technical information service, the construction of the Avenida Garcilaso, paved road for easy student access to the headquarters of the University, and the work of University Dining, work also supports the joint effort to consolidate its operations.
On Monday December 21 at the home of culture, was held the ceremony for the final resolution of the operating Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas and ceremony to swear in the new university authorities. The regional government of Apurimac presented awards to members of the commission's governing UNAMBA, vibrant university authorities.
were met fully all requirements of the CONAFU and national laws, so that special ceremony, swearing was provided to new principals and deans of the various careers of the house of higher learning.
general manager of the regional government of Apurimac, Barreto Armando Carbajal, president presented the award, the new president-elect Dr. Leonard Ram, along with the regional flag. Alfonso also Bustinza Shock Mag Administrative Vice President of Government Commission and Dalin Mag Encomenderos Dávalos, Academic Vice President of Government Commission, received special recognition. Singular
delivery, received the Dr. Carrol Dale Salinas, Chairman of the Organising Committee of the National University of Apurimac Micaela Bastidas, who
reception, the bust of José María Arguedas, the highest distinction of the regional government of Apurimac, in recognition their contribution to the development of university education in the region.
For the Regional Government of Apurimac is a pleasure to be present and working steadily and sustained growth and improved quality of servic Ios that UNAMBA deserves, as part of the effort of all centers apurimeños for having top-level studies, which are competitive and the quality of education reach the standards of the best universities in Peru.
Samples of this, the implementation of the Central Library so that students find in it the technical information service, the construction of the Avenida Garcilaso, paved road for easy student access to the headquarters of the University, and the work of University Dining, work also supports the joint effort to consolidate its operations.
(Source: Government Website Regional Apurimac)
University officials newly elected in UNAMBA are
Dr. Leoncio Theophilus Rector
RAM RAM (pictured)
Ph.D. Ing º Lucy Orellana Marisol GUANUCHI
Academic Vice-President Dr. Mario David HUAMÁN RODRIGO
Apurimac Micaela Bastidas (A story to keep in mind)
Apurimac Micaela Bastidas (A story to keep in mind)
National University Micaela Bastidas Apurimac (UNAMBA) was created by Law 27348, on September 26, 2000, based in the city of Abancay, capital of the department of Apurimac, with four career paths: Agroindustrial Engineering, Mining Engineering. Business Administration and Education. And a branch in the city of Andahuaylas with two career paths: Agroindustrial Engineering and Business Administration.
Then the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), by Supreme Resolution No. 209-2001-PCM of April 12, 2001, appointed a Commission for the preparation of the Institutional Development Project (IDP), which document was made compatible with the alternative draft prepared by the Association for Creation and Operation of the UNAMBA, the PDI was filed on December 14, 2001.
Then the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), by Supreme Resolution No. 209-2001-PCM of April 12, 2001, appointed a Commission for the preparation of the Institutional Development Project (IDP), which document was made compatible with the alternative draft prepared by the Association for Creation and Operation of the UNAMBA, the PDI was filed on December 14, 2001.
The National Council of Universities Operating Permit (CONAFU), by Resolution No. 110-2002, CONAFU, 25 April 2002, authorizes the interim operation of the National University Micaela Bastidas Apurimac (UNAMBA), and approves the Institutional Development Project (IDP), and notes that the MEF allocate the necessary resources. Also, the CONAFU by Resolution No. 111-2002, from April 25, 2002, designates the first UNAMBA Organising Committee, consisting of: Mg. Hugo Cornejo Rosell, President, Mg. Wilber Chahuaylla Sotomayor, VP Academic, and Econ. Irenaeus Leon Valdez Aguirre, Administrative Vice President. The university authorities were established early in Abancay on May 9, 2002 and sworn before the President of CONFU, Alberto Silva Del Aguila, and began lobbying the treasury to have a budget and start academic and administrative activities.
The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), 17 September 2002, allocated a budget of S /. 3.333.000.00 for the operation of the UNAMBA, Law N º 27573, the budget of the Republic in 2002, and assigned the number 539 to form the statement of the UNAMBA.
Thus, the academic performance UNAMBA began in September 2002. Is called the first regular admission exam in September 2002, the first freshman to college students in Abancay were 240 and 100 in Andahuaylas. The academic activities started in the College of Tamburco Micaela Bastidas and the administrative area began its activities in a building of the Ministry of Education, 121 Sands Avenue Abancay and local Andahuaylas a loan from the District Municipality of San Jerónimo.
The October 15, 2003, the CONAFU by Resolution No. 200-2003, appointed a new UNAMBA Organising Committee, comprised of: President Dr. Dale Carroll Douglas Salinas, Vice President Academic Mg. Omar Dalin Encomederos Administrative Vice Dávalos and Mg. Victor Alfonso Bustinza Shock, who were formed in Abancay on October 17, 2003, to continue to university management. By crises in the management of the first Commission Organizer.
Since half of 2006 - I, the summons UNAMBA Regular Admission Test of two new careers: Computer and Systems Engineering, and Veterinary Medicine. The CONAFU by Resolution No. 089-2007 of March 20, 2007, approving the Amended PDI, and within it the creation of two new careers.
In December 2006, the venue of the UNAMBA in Andahuaylas, is transferred to the National University José María Arguedas, who obtains interim authorization CONAFU operation on 25 August 2006. The secondary venue is transferred to his students, real and documentary heritage.
In December 2006, the venue of the UNAMBA in Andahuaylas, is transferred to the National University José María Arguedas, who obtains interim authorization CONAFU operation on 25 August 2006. The secondary venue is transferred to his students, real and documentary heritage.
The UNAMBA adopted five years of evaluation by the term is satisfactory. Self-evaluation reports, conducted from 2003 to 2007, were developed by a multidisciplinary team of college and have met the most important requirements to achieve its operational final approval and institutionalization. Self-assessment reports were subject to assessment by an external committee appointed by the CONAFU, that after a thorough review and comments, check 'in situ' progress and achievements.
The CONAFU, by Resolution No. 411-2008, from October 15, 2008, gives terminating the functions of the members of the Organizing Committee and appoints them form the Governance Committee of the UNAMBA, Chairman Dr. Dale Carroll Douglas Salinas, Vice President Academic Mg. Omar Dalin Encomenderos Administrative Vice Dávalos and Mg. Bustinza Alfonso Víctor Choque, for functions and procedures as they develop the process to elect the governing bodies and institutionalization.
The CONAFU, by Resolution No. 262-2009 of May 22, 2009, designates the UNAMBA Election Committee, consisting of: President Dr. Ludovina Gutiérrez Castro, a senior lecturer at the National University of Cajamarca, Registrar Econ . Efrain Tejada Velasquez, head teacher at the Catholic University Santa María de Arequipa; first member Mr. William Perez Castillo, chief professor at the Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque, and a student representative of the upper third of the UNAMBA, Adil Peralta Rivas.
The first election of the UNAMBA process was carried out from 04 to 15 November 2009, to elect the representatives of the university bodies and organs of government, university authorities to be elected: Rector Dr. Leoncio Theophilus Carnero Carnero, Ph.D. Vice Chancellor Academic Mr. Lucy Guanuchi Marisol Orellana and David Chancelor Dr. Mario Huaman Rodrigo also were elected the Dean of the Faculty of Administration, Mr. Percy Fritz Puga Peña, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Gustavo Ramiro Vallenas Casaverde, and Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Msc. Nilton César Gómez Urviola.
In a historic event for the Apurimac region, on December 21, 2009, the collective memory apurimeña population, was a reality, his stubborn attitude of having a national university. In an unprecedented act for the region, in the House of Culture, the President of CONAFU, Dr. Luis Enrique Carpio ASCUN, presented Resolution No. 628-2009-CONFU, dated 27 November 2009, that granted the authorization of service of the Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas of Apurimac, headquartered in the city of Abancay, capital of the department of Apurimac, for providing educational services at the university level, making full use of the autonomy university which granted the State Constitution, the University Act No. 23733 and other standards that are applicable. The resolution was given into the hands of Dr. Carroll Dale Salinas and Dr. Leoncio Carnero Carnero, and in the presence of regional, local, university, teachers, students, men of the press and public. Thereupon, the Chairman of the oath CONAFU UNAMBA Rector, Dr. Leonard Ram Ram. And the Rector Pledge of Academic Vice-President Dr, Lucy Guanuchi Orellana, Administrative Vice Chancellor Dr. David Huaman Rodrigo and deans.
The UNAMBA, college is a reality in the Apurimac region, with its own life and full autonomy to make professional excellence and contribute to sustainable development of the Apurimac region and country.
Abancay, January 2010
corporate image, UNAMBA
Source: Web page
UNAMBA Source: Web page
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