province Antabamba Apurimac Department, has seven districts: Antabamba (Capital Region), Huaquirca, Juan Espinoza Medrano, El Oro, Pachaconas, Totora Sabayno and Oropeza. In all the peoples of these seven districts of the province, without exception, they sing and dance the HUAYLÍA from 23 to 28 December each year, with the main day on 25 March. The HUAYLÍA, held in commemoration of Christmas for the birth of Jesus is the best festival in the province ancestral Antabamba. Each town (Antabamba, Vito, Sabayno, Antilla, Mollebamba, Silco, Calcauso, Matara, Totora Oropeza, Huaquirca, etc.) Has its own style Huaylía mainly characterized in terms of costumes, dance, choreography and music tones and songs.
(The dramatic style of Sabayno Huaylía thereof in the city of Lima. Source of photo:
In each of the communities Antabamba province, the Huaylía is in charge of several stewards (cargontes / Devotional) that in some years and sometimes people come up to 6 or 8. Each devotional should form a troop composed of 80, 100, 150 or 200 pastors and dancers located in two rows to be led by experienced pastors called truenadores or guiding and led by pastors and other prominent spots (aliznas) who lead the ranks of pastors. Also each troop must have two, three, four or five Guiders (experienced singers) accompanied by a violin.
(The imposing Huaylía Antabamba district in the Plaza de Armas of Antabamba. Source of photo:
Each pastor, that is, each dancer (see photo) is made costumes or face masks, exquisite peacock feather placed on the hats or mats, fine kerchief of stylish colors , ties, pants ride (the horse), footwear with wide bands of fabric that cover the legs or resistant special boots, ornate and colorful wide belts, long scarves and every pastor elegantly worked with of whips and whips made especially for the occasion .
Women play an important role in each troop. Armed with typical colorful costumes (see photos) single out the very personal style of each village Huaylía. Without the enthusiastic participation of these, the Huaylía not have all the splendor it has.
(The characteristic style of Mollebamba Huaylía in the Plaza Mayor of Lima. Source of photo: aprurimacglobal,
The procession is spectacular in every community in the province of Antabamba. December 25, Christmas Day universal, takes place where the route of the procession from the Church and continues through the main square and town streets, with the main character to newborn Jesus being charged for each devotional in elegant finely crafted wooden cots and covered with colorful blankets. All troops must simultaneously participate in the procession. Bástese imagine the uproar that offers spectacular when you are 4, 6 or 8 troops simultaneously in the procession of the Infant Jesus, tinged with the distinctive smell of incense.
(The conquest Huaylía Lima. Pastores de Vito in the Plaza de Armas de Lima. Source: Apurimac, poverty and wealth)
The conquest Huaylía Lima
So important is the Huaylía in all towns of the province that has conquered Antabamba Lima, capital of Peru. Indeed. An immense amount of antabambinos, ie, of antachos, Viteri, Matarín, huaquirquinos, mollebambinos, sabayninos, silqueños, pachaconeños, antillinos, etc, etc. Lima residents have managed to impose in the big city Huaylía Capital. Since many years ago, has won Huaylía churches, streets, plazas and local Lima. Every Sunday of the month of December and part of January (Bajada de Reyes) each year, including holidays, 8 and 25 and January 1 is performed n Huaylía organized by the regional bodies of residents in Lima Antabamba , pleasantly surprised to Lima and tourists. We remember with gratitude and joy, for example, when former Mayor of Lima, Mr. Alberto Andrade Carmona, danced and sang the Huaylía, wearing a hat and feathers.
(pictured, Truenador showing the typical dress of the Huaylía. Sunday Espinoza Herrera, one of the leading exponents of Huaylía Vito)
The Huaylía is declared as National Cultural Heritage by the Institute Culture National
The best evidence of the importance of the Huaylía is that the National Institute of Culture (INC) was declared as National Cultural Heritage to Huaylía. In INC Web page appears the following: The INC "declares the National Cultural Heritage to Huaylía, dance in the province of Antabamba, Apurimac region, the same as celebrating the Christmas party is the religious tradition of the merger English and Quechua culture in which we can see the Andean fervor attached to the splendor, agility, bravery, strength and rhythm of the steps up to 23 styles of hundreds of pastors of the people of that province. The recognition of Huaylía Cultural Heritage of the Nation is through Supreme Resolution N º 116/INC-2004 of February 11, 2004. " The
Mr. Teofilo Ccahuancama Mendoza, past president of the ex-APA (Provincial Association of Antabamba) has played a major role for the Antabamba Huaylía be declared a National Cultural Heritage. Recognition for her and those who have made this important declaration that enhances and promotes the benefits of tourism in the province Antabamba.
(Source: - National Institute of Culture)
All people are part of a family but we are, at the same time, members of a community, a region of a country. In the same way we inherit material goods and family traditions, we also received the legacy of culture that characterizes the society in which we grow and develop. These distinctive features we have in common such as language, religion, customs, values, creativity, history, dance and music are cultural events that allow us to identify with us and feel that we are part of a particular community and not otherwise. This heritage is the collective cultural heritage.
following website SEE RELATED TO THE PROVINCE HUAYLIA Antabamba
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YouTube Also see images of different styles Huaylía Antabamba province (Huaylía Antabamba). In particular to see videos of unmistakable style Huyalía VITO Vito Huaylía recommended on YouTube, sponsored by the Ing Sonia Yucra Zela.